I always look forward to setting new goals and habits for the upcoming year. I love the feeling of a new year, new beginnings and a fresh start. However, I normally go a little overboard with my goals, then I don’t meet them and beat myself up over it. This year, I’m keeping things SIMPLE(ish). =)
For more goal setting ideas, be sure to check out my 2021 Goal Planning Sheet and how to use it!
2022 Goals
- Read 12 books
- Complete Nancy Ray’s contentment challenge January- April
- Find a consistent babysitter.
My husband and I did not go on nearly as many dates as I would’ve liked this last year.
- Quarterly planning
Each season, I’d like some time (alone) to sit down, and reflect over the past quarter, and make any needed changes. At this time I’ll also update our families seasonal menu, look over my goals for the year and get a game plan of upcoming family trips and experiences we will have. I want to be more intentional at planning FUN experiences each month for our family.
- Take a photo organizational course, to get all of my digital and physical photos organized.
My goal is to display more family photos, and go through the thousands of digital photos we have saved on our phones, computers and Amazon account. I’m hoping that after doing this, we will be more intentional with taking photos, keeping ONLY the ones that are special to us and dumping the rest.
- Create our engagement and wedding photo album.
We’ve been married since 2016 and I still haven’t gotten around to creating an album.
- Make baby books for my boys.
I wish I would’ve started this when I was pregnant, but didn’t. I purchased these baby books and want to get them filled out this year.
- Create a family year book for years 2018-2022. (One book per year).
- Send out holiday cards.
- Update our families rotational menu.
Ideally, I’d like 30 recipes per season that rotate.
- Start a home preparedness kit.
Starting small with this one. In Tennessee, we have a lot of tornados, so I’ll be starting by packing a backpack with things we would need in case a tornado struck our house.
- BONUS: a small home garden.
3 habits I want to focus on
It takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, and for the new behavior to become automatic.
The habits I listed below, I hope to keep for life, or until the season of life I’m currently in, shifts.
Sabbath day
Exodus 20:8-11 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.“
I would LOVE for my family to take a sabbath day each week. A day without phones or social media. A day where we don’t work and just enjoy the company of one another. A day where we focus on God’s great gifts that he has blessed us with. This might look like a family hike or experience, going to church and then out to lunch or ordering in, visiting family and friends, etc.
Getting outside daily.
This is SO important for my mental health. Most times when I start to feel depression kicking in, I haven’t been outside in a couple of days. Between taking care of my little ones, keeping things tidy, cooking and organizing the day-to-day tasks for my family, things can get busy and I don’t always prioritize outside time.
Most days, I at least get outside for a walk, but I can easily fall into a rut of getting caught up on home tasks. Plus, the days I don’t get my kids outside, mom guilt kicks in at full force!
Being present and SLOWING DOWN.
I constantly find myself RUSHING. Rushing to clean the home because I only have so much time (Literally, sometimes I run from room to room to get it all done…). Rushing to get meals made. Rushing to eat food because I know I’ll be getting interrupted any second. Rushing to shower because I want to be sure to get clean before my kids get up. Rushing, rushing, rushing!
I try to maximize every minute, which ends up causing anxiety and stress. I need to stop multitasking and focus on ONE thing, fully, at a time. I want to have conversations with my husband where we are both FULLY present and paying attention. I want to be completely focused on what my kids are asking me to do instead of only half listening.
One thing that has already helped me become more present is limiting my social media and putting my phone on the counter during the day, instead of in my pocket. This has been HUGE and I plan on continuing this next year.
Try this FREE PRINTABLE for your own 2022 planning. =)
What are your new years goals and habits you will be working on? Comment below!!
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