Use this Goal Setting Printable to set goals for the New Year! This printable will help you set family goals as well as personal goals! Just download and print below!
If you are interested in decluttering your home, be sure to check out my post on minimalism and decluttering your home here!
2021 Family Planning Sheet
Use this sheet to plan goals for finances, marriage, vacation ideas and home projects. Jot down your year at a glance, which would include birthdays, seasonal activities, events, etc.
Personal Goals
Use this sheet to write down all of your personal goals. Write down the things that are most important to you, then make a plan how you will prioritize them. For example, if eating healthy is a goal, you might prioritize it by meal prepping every Sunday to set yourself up for success.
Jot down your personal health, educational, spiritual and financial goals for the year. Personally, I want to make reading more books a priority so I’d list that under educational goals. Spiritually, you might want to try meditating each morning, praying, reading your bible or getting into nature more often.
Financially you might have goals different than your family goals. Jot them down in this section.
Come up with a routine you want to follow morning and night. You might want to write down everything you already do morning and night on a scrap sheet of paper, and then go from there. How long will each of these things take you? What are the non-negotiables? What would you like to stop doing? For me, a shower is a must in the morning, and looking at my phone first thing in the morning is a habit I’m going to break.
New Years Action Plan
Lets get these goals in action by creating an action plan. List your goal, actionable steps that you can take and a deadline for that goal. For example, your action plan may look something like this:
Goal: stop looking at my phone in the morning when I wake up
Actionable Steps: get my phone out of the bedroom, purchase an alarm clock
Deadline: January 31
Goal: get a Will set up for my family
Actionable Steps: search Wills online, create a Will with my husband, print the Will, get it notarized, file Will in a safe place.
Goal: March 1, 2021
I hope these sheets help make planning out your goals a little easier! Let me know in the comments below how you goal set each year!
Enjoy, friends!
Another idea you may be interested in:
This idea comes from Gretchen Rubin’s 21 in 2021 list. You make a list of 21 things you want to do in 2021. These could be adventures you want to go on, reading goals you have, habits you want to break, etc.
Read more about that in her bog post, “If You Don’t Want to Make a New Year’s Resolution, Consider Writing Your “21 for 2021” List.”
I’ve created a template for you to download and print below!
Don’t forget to Pin this for later!
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